Who is Repsco Recruitment?

We are the leading recruitment specialist for the pharmaceutical industry

The partner for pharma

For over 20 years, Repsco Recruitment has been working with pharmaceutical companies to source the candidate profiles corresponding to their needs.

Our unique experience across the French market has helped us become the leader in recruitment for the healthcare industry.

Innovation at our heart

How do you uncover the potential and the motivation of a candidate ? How can youhumanise the process ? How can you be more attractive as an employer ?

To meet these new challenges in the pharmaceutical sector,Repsco Recruitment stays up to date with the trends (from gamification to data) and tools (video, VR) that are transforming the face of recruitment.

A network of expertise

At Repsco Recruitment, we rely on a network of partners to optimise our approach. Notably, as an associate member of LEEM (the French pharma association), our agency is able to amplify the impact and the visibility of job offers.

Une équipe à votre écoute

Rencontrez des professionnels expérimentés, experts de vos métiers

Vos contacts privilégiés :

Nous contacter

Our values. Our responsibility.

Repsco Recruitment is committed to both pharmaceutical companies and candidates.


In the fight against discrimination,
we guarantee equal
opportunities for all.


Empathy and availability: our
teams are ready to listen to everyone,
from all career paths.


We go beyond simple
GDPR compliance to guarantee a space
for you to interact in confidence.